Pancakes della CasaHouse pancakes
Con sciroppo d'acero, nutella o marmellataWith maple syrup, nutella or jam
House pancakes
With maple syrup, nutella or jam
Pancakes con frutti di boscoPancakes with berries
Pancakes della casa con sciroppo d’acero e frutti di boscoHome made pancakes with maple syrup and berries
Pancakes with berries
Home made pancakes with maple syrup and berries
Waffels* della casa con frutti di bosco, sciroppo d’acero e con a scelta aggiunta di gelatoHomemade waffles* with berries, maple syrup and optional ice cream
*Product frozen on site or frozen at the origin
Pancakes della casa con uova e bacon Home made pancakes with egg and bacon
Pancake della casa con uova strapazzate, bacon e sciroppo d'aceroHome made pancakes with scrambled eggs, bacon and maple syrup
Home made pancakes with egg and bacon
Home made pancakes with scrambled eggs, bacon and maple syrup
Pancake della casa con salmone marinato e patate al forno Home made pancakes with marinated salmon and baked potatoes
Pancake della casa con salmone** marinato, patate al forno e salsa yogurtHomemade pancakes with marinated salmon**, baked potatoes and yoghurt sauce
Home made pancakes with marinated salmon and baked potatoes
** Raw material frozen internally and treated in compliance with REG CE 853/2004
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